Internet Fame and Fortune
Torquil says “Fame? It’s an empty purse.”
I recently read a blog post by Tobold about the subject of “internet fame” and the thorny issue of “influencers”. He referenced how at one point his blog was getting over 3,000 visits a day and he had traction within the wider gaming community. However, over time his waning interest in gaming along with the rise of other social media platforms has seen a steady decline in traffic to his blog. He notes how there’s been a shift towards Streamers and You Tubers becoming major sources of influence. He even goes so far as to suggest that creating visual content is harder than blogging. Yet I’m not so sure about the last point. Scheduling, producing and editing video content is certainly an involved process and requires a degree of skill. But mastering these techniques is not a guarantee of quality. I still believe that the written word, especially in a longform analytical fashion, requires more thought and analysis. And I would also argue that those very qualities subsequently narrow the market for its consumption.
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