Motivation and Being Realistic About What You Can Achieve
Does this include arson, genocide and making another Air Bud movie?
I’ve written posts in the past that take quite a “scorched earth” approach to the subject of motivation and maintaining a regular writing schedule. You can come at this subject from numerous angles, offering advice couched in psychology, gentle encouragement or cold hard logic. However, I find that blogging comes down to one thing and one thing only. If you want to do it, you’ll find a way. And believe me, I don’t say this out of some misguided sense of superiority or smugness. I have skipped numerous days of blogging because I chose not to. I wasn’t too busy or strapped for ideas. I just couldn’t be bothered or wanted to spend my time on something else. That’s not to say that the encouragement of others and events such a Blaugust don’t have any impact upon people’s writing output. I believe they do. But the biggest factor determining when you do and do not write is you.
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