EG7 to Consolidate All Titles on its 4Game Platform
EG7 is very slick when it comes to corporate communications. Earlier today the company posted their Q1 Report Presentation and Q&A on YouTube. Although specifically designed for the company’s investors, CEO Robin Flodin stated that he was aware that many gamers watch these presentations and are welcome. However, he did point out that any major game related news would always come via their appropriate outlets, thus making it clear that there was not any consumer information in his briefing. He then went on to discuss how well EG7 was faring financially and even to the layperson, it is clear that the company did very well last year. However, there were two nuggets of information that were interesting from a gamer’s perspective. The first was that EG7 is going to consolidate all of its games on their current 4game platform. The second was that the company was developing a new AAA MMO linked to a major intellectual property.
For those who may not be aware, most game publishers have a bespoke platform that allows customers to install and manage all the titles that the company produces. Activision Blizzard has, EA has Origins, Ubisoft has Uplay and Good Old Games has Galaxy. Then there are the big digital stores such as Steam and Epic Games which similarly have their own “launchers” as they are known. So it makes sense the EG7 is to add all the titles it acquired when it bought the Daybreak Game Company. When and how this change will happen is not yet known. Will players be required to reinstall LOTRO or DDO also remains to be seen. However, Standing Stone Games’ existing launcher for LOTRO is dated and painfully slow. The other advantages of consolidating all products on a single platform are more effective marketing and dissemination of information. As and when LOTRO is added to 4games, it may well lead to an influx of new players.
The news of an AAA MMO being developed is very intriguing although somewhat vague. Robin Flodin referred to it being based upon “one of the greatest brands in the world”. Whether he was referring to franchises that EG7 already hold or something that they’ve recently acquired is a matter for speculation. As fellow blogger Wilhelm Arcturus pointed out in his post, Daybreak currently has a license for a Marvel game. Or has the recent closure of Amazon Game Studios Middle-earth based MMO, cleared the way for another? Are EG7 considering a LOTRO 2.0 or something similar? Whatever the outcome, things have certainly gotten a lot more interesting since the company acquired DGC. In the meantime let us see how both these two items of news are received by the LOTRO community. The consolidation of LOTRO, DDO and other titles onto the 4games launcher is an especially interesting development and needs to be handled well.