Nintendo Switch: Use It Or Lose It
I bought my Nintendo Switch in April 2021. I initially played a lot of MarioKart 8 as it’s a near perfect game and because my granddaughters liked it. We’d connect the device to the TV in the lounge and it quickly became a mainstay of any visit. I also tried the Switch version of Assassin's Creed IV: Black Flag but I struggled with the controls, so I bought a PC version instead. After a while the novelty of Mario Kart wore off and my granddaughters became more interested in the MMOs I play on my PC. To cut a long story short, I simply stopped using the Nintendo Switch because I didn’t have sufficient games to hold my interest, compared to the prodigious library I’ve built up on Steam and the Epic Games store. So I moved the device into my office, connected it to a monitor (which has integral speakers) and placed it on the corner of my desk where it is out of the way. I then effectively forgot about it until recently when my grandson spotted it and asked if he could play on it.
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