Star Trek Online: The Agony of Choice
Today I finally earned the requisite amount of campaign progress to be eligible for a free ship in the MMORPG Star Trek Online. It’s taken eight months or so to achieve this and I’ve played doggedly through the Voth Advance, Tholian Trouble and the Defense of Pahvo, multiple times to gain the maximum 3,500 campaign progress. Despite having plenty of time to decide which of the multiple reward options I would take, when actually confronted with a choice, I found it quite difficult to do so. Because there are a LOT of ships available in this game. So many in fact that making a choice becomes problematic. You find yourself not wanting to make a mistake so you end up down the rabbit hole of “researching ships”. Naturally, there are no definitive best ships in the game, although there are many that favour specific play styles and have certain benefits. Opinions vary and so you quickly find yourself just confused, cautious and even a little annoyed at being “ put in such a position”.
There are three choices on offer. You can claim a ship from the Zen store, or a ship from the Infinity Lockbox which includes all the cross faction ships and vessels that are usually only available for a short period of time or found on the exchange at extortionate prices. Alternatively you can claim a fistful of Lobi Crystal, which is an in-game currency that lets you buy not only unique ships but consoles, ship weapons, ground gear and personnel. Lobi Crystals have the advantage of being bound to your account and so can be transferred between alts. If you claim a ship from either of the other two options associated with this promotional event, then they are bound to character. Essentially, these choices are better for players with fewers alts and may be one primary character. Luckily that is me in a nutshell. Although I have nine alts, one remains the focal point of my gaming and gets the best resources.
So after much deliberation, I found myself back where I started and decided upon the choice I had made several months ago while working through the campaign. I chose the Tier 6 Atlas Prototype Dreadnought Cruiser from the TOS era. Although this is a really stylish looking ship with a nice 23rd century aesthetic, I really just wanted it for the Universal Console. The Dynamic Power Redistributor Module offers +11.2 Energy Damage Resistance Rating and +17.8% Directed Energy Damage as a passive boost. It then has a "clickable" skill that gives +40% Bonus Damage (Reapplied every 1 second for 20 seconds as long as health is above 80%), +100 Bonus Damage Resistance Rating for 20 seconds and +500% hull regen per minute for 20 seconds. All with a 2 minute recharge. This is all well and good but once the console was equipped on my current ship and the Dreadnought Cruiser sent to Dry Dock, it did seem to deflate the sense of victory for completing this event and mitigate all the hard work. Perhaps I should have chosen something shiny that I was actually going to fly. C’est la vie or STO in this case.