A Month in Gaming
I have confined my gaming to three MMORPGs in recent months and have not strayed into anything new. Time has been an issue due to a great deal of change in my domestic life. Hence The Lord of the Rings Online, Star Wars: The Old Republic and Star Trek Online have proven suitable for my needs. Being able to log into a game and commence an activity without any complicated preamble is convenient and currently suits my schedule down to the ground. I will be buying Sniper Elite 5 at the end of the month as this is a franchise that has always proven entertaining and engaging. While recently perusing the various game launchers I have installed, I took the opportunity to remove several games that I’m no longer playing or that have proven to be a “five minute wonder”. Hence I said goodbye to GreedFall, Tom Clancy’s Ghost Recon: Breakpoint and Days Gone. Their removal is no reflection upon their quality.
I’ve finally completed all outstanding content in LOTRO and find myself now kicking my heels. The conclusion of Fate of Gundabad was interesting and I felt that there was emotional depth to the character Mótsog. I have also enjoyed exploring both The Angle of Mitheithel and Yondershire. I like the way that Standing Stone Games is not just creating new content for endgame. Adding additional zones for players levelling alts makes good business sense. It also makes the game more attractive to returning players by offering them content that they previously haven’t played. At the time of writing this post, LOTRO is celebrating its 15th anniversary. Although this is a significant milestone and one I am pleased that the game has achieved, I am not especially interested in the celebrations themselves. I don’t find any of the activities engaging, nor do I find any of the gifts and prizes that can be claimed desirable. I prefer the functional over the cosmetic.
Despite some frustration with the post Knights of the Eternal Throne storyline in SWTOR, rather than quit I decided to continue to play through the remainder of the original game. So far I have completed the Imperial Agent and Trooper stories. Both were well conceived and executed, although I did find the Trooper a little underpowered as a class. Speaking of which, it would also appear that every class in the game has at least one companion that is an utter twat. I see absolutely no merit in companions such as Skadge and Kaliyo Djannis. They’re objectionable and their dysfunctional nature doesn’t provide any alternative insight. These aren’t anti-heroes that make philosophical points to counter traditional archetypes. These are just shitty people who are a pain in the butt. Mercifully, for every poorly conceived companion there are at least two who are well rounded and relatable.
Moving on to my final gaming mainstay, STO, I continue to find this MMO ideal for quick fix entertainment. This game offers long term involvement but also excels at providing daily activities that can be quickly undertaken.In the last few months I have earned A600 Android (Combat Pet), a Tier 6 Jarok Alliance Carrier and sundry upgrade tokens for use on various alts. I’ve also continued working my way through the various story arcs in the main game and it has again proven a welcome reminder at how well developer’s Cryptic are at utilising the wealth of Star Trek lore to their advantage. Canonical characters and events are not just referenced or invoked as a lazy fan service, but drawn upon in ways that are relevant and that sustain an interesting narrative. I look forward to Star Trek: Strange New Worlds being integrated into the game.
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