3 Types of Underrated Content
Blaugust Festival of Blogging is an annual event held usually during the month of August. It’s designed to encourage content creation of all kinds and foster a sense of community. This year due to the lockdown in many countries, the event was held early in April and was well received despite the difficult circumstances. Now that August has arrived, Belghast, the founder and organizer of this prestigious festival has decided to hold an additional event in the form of Promptapalooza. It’s a month of scheduled writing prompts and a blogging relay. Each day a designated writer will explore a specific topic and then pass the blogging baton on to another. Hence, over the course of August, the event will showcase the work of 30 different bloggers. The list of writing prompts are all available in advance for anyone who may wish to use them.
Before I begin, I would like to thank Mailvaltar for their very kind introduction and urge you to read their previous Promptapalooza post “media that’s shaped my worldview”. It brought back fond memories of when I acquired my first radio/cassette player and the impact specific radio stations had upon me when I was young. Mailvatar also references a german author I’m not familiar with but the genre of books they wrote is certainly of interest to me. This highlights why the Promptapalooza event can be both entertaining and informative. Talking of which, let’s move on to my writing prompt which is as follows.
“What type of content do you feel is severely underrated?”
This is an interesting prompt and can be considered from different perspectives, Because this is a blogging event I immediately thought of the question in terms of writing. IE What types of blog posts are underrated or can be far more informative than initially thought. However the question could be extrapolated to cover other sorts of content such as video games, TV or movies. But rather than use this post as an excuse to write about the “found footage” genre in cinema (something I must get around to doing), I think it’s more appropriate for me to focus on writing and the variety of content that can be produced by a blogger. So with that in mind here are a few ideas, many of which I have used myself here on Contains Moderate Peril.
Here’s a picture intended to engender both cosy and benign sentiments towards blogging
Recurring Posts: Over the years my writing has gone from being specific to one game to covering a wide variety of subjects. Sometimes I find that I want to talk about something in broad terms rather than in specific detail. A prime example of this is what I’ve been watching on TV recently. As I consider Contains Moderate Peril to be broadly comparable to a magazine in its format, it was a logical step to have recurring posts just like the regular columns you find in print media. These posts afford me to write about a spectrum of subjects and provide updates and references on a rolling basis. With regard to my TV viewing habits, I started a recurring post under the tile of “The Idiot Box”. I have a similar post which covers what games I’ve been playing each month. I feel that these sorts of posts can be invaluable to summarising activities and touching upon talking points without getting bogged down in excessive minutiae. They also have a more personal aspect to them which can be invaluable in building a rapport with your audience.
Personal Posts: I read numerous blogs for a multitude of different reasons. Some writers have a knack for technical detail, where others exude an accessible, everyman/woman, “Tom Hanks” of blogging approach. Where some blogs are first and foremostly defined by the subject(s) they write about, others are more of a vehicle for the author’s personality (although they may not realise this). Never underestimate this factor. I know some bloggers are quite content to write about personal aspects of their lives and that others do their utmost to minimise the amount of information they reveal about themselves. But whatever approach is taken, there comes a point when aspects of your personality eventually bleed through into your written work via some strange process of literary osmosis. And as “you are your own brand” whether you like it or not, this becomes one of the reasons your readers relate to you. Therefore I think the occasional, well considered personal post can be invaluable in connecting with your audience. I’ve written about my caring commitments and more recently about my own personal health. These are aspects of life that are common to all and sometimes sharing one’s experience can be beneficial to others as well as cathartic for oneself.
Walter and Finwë have featured both in my writing and in my “tweets”. I suspect they they have plans to go “solo”
Multimedia Posts: I have jokingly advised in the past, that if new bloggers are stuck for an idea, then just post a few screenshots from a game they’re currently playing. However, this isn’t as facetious as it first appears. Readers often like screencaptures and videos from games they haven’t yet played or are thinking about buying. Material from grassroot sources, as opposed to official press kits, can be very informative and useful to others. I frequently log onto the LOTRO test servers and take copious amounts of screenshots of forthcoming content. This often results in a spike in website traffic as not everyone wants to install the test client or has the time to look for themselves. I also advocate posting pictures of other activities, such as day trips or vacations. Again this ties in with personal posts as well as providing readers with a chance to see material they may not encounter elsewhere. If you want to write about some specific piece of music or artist, then you may wish to include audio content or a YouTube video. Far from posts of this nature being a “lazy cop out”, I find they can be engaging and at times a more immediate means of expressing a sentiment or making a point.
And that concludes my take on types of “underrated content”. The next participant in Blaugust Promptapalooza is Everwake from Everwake’s Internet Adventures. They’ve already tackled two of the writing prompts and have some very interesting thoughts on “Fandom” and “Popular Content” which I recommend you peruse at your leisure. On Tuesday 4th of August they’ll be addressing the curious and intriguing subject of “personal rituals”. Being a creature of habit myself, I can certainly relate to this and look forward to reading Everwake’s thoughts on the matter. In the meantime enjoy Blaugust Promptapalooza and feel free to get involved throughout the course of the month. Don’t forget to join us on Discord for help, advice and a friendly chat.